Help Educate
Serving both Guatemalan and International Students for more than 30 years, L.I.F.E School is the leading non-profit English Immersion School in Panajachel.
L.I.F.E School prides itself on providing a multi-cultural education to a diverse community. Of our over 100 students, 50% come from an indigenous Mayan background, and a large percentage of students are on a scholarship or a sponsorship.
Life School Foundation has been created to fund the scholarship or sponsorship of these students.

Life School Foundation is a non profit organization incorporated in the state of California. It has been organized for the charitable and educational purposes of children and families of the Lake Atitlan region of Solola, Guatemala. It has been approved as a 501(c)(3) tax exempt organization.
This means your donation can be included as a tax deduction on your tax return.